My access to SBB Business Customers.

Registering with SBB Business Customers is easy.

  1. Open a personal account here.
    To do this, you will need your company's SBB Business Customers contract number and the details of your cost centre. If you do not know these, please ask your company's travel manager.

  2. Your company's travel manager will now accept your registration. You will receive a confirmation e-mail as soon as this is done.

  3. A) If your company pays SBB Business Customers via invoice, you can now buy your own public transport tickets and travelcards online at any time.
    B) If your company pays SBB Business Customers via credit card, enter this information in "My Account" – "Payment Information". You can now buy your own public transport tickets and travelcards online at any time.

  4. Download the SBB Mobile app on your smartphone. Use your SBB Ticket Shop Business account details to log in. Now you can buy public transport tickets at any time and wherever you are. The costs will be charged directly to the stored means of payment.

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Business Travel Service Center